Our Speakers

Dr. Ashraf Dada MD,PHD, FACHARZT,


Associate Professor/ Medical College, Al-Faisal University, Diretor of Histocompaltibilty and Immunigenetics Laboratory at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center – Jeedah

Dr. Fadi Al- Zayer


ARSHI President, Riyadh



Director of Immunopathology Lab -King Abdulaziz Medical City – Riyadh

Dr. Effie Wang Petersdorf


Professor Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Dr. Faisal Khan


Associtate Proessor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Pediatrics



Professor of Pathology, Texas A&M College of Medicine, Director of Clinical Servics, National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)/ Be The Match

Dr. Ahmed Mustafa MD, PHD, F(ACHI)


Director of HLA lab and Assiatant Professor at University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Narinder Mehra


Hon Emeritus Scientist of ICMR and Former Dean (Res) and National chair at All India Institute of Medical Siences

Dr. Ghassan Wali


Head, section of Infectious Disease at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (Gen. Org.)

Dr. Dunia Jawdat, PhD, D (ABMLI)


Associtate Proessor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Pediatrics

Dr. Ilias Doxiadis


Consultant at The Institute for Transfusion Medicine Leipzig University Hospital

Dr. Heather Dunckley


Associat Professor ,Medicine, Central Clinical School Australian Red Cross Blood Service-

Dr. Gehad El-Ghazali, MD, PhD, Professor


Director of Dubai Cord blood and Research Center

Dr. William Hildebrand, PHD


Professor at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Dr. Noureddine Berka, PHD, D(ABHI)


Clinical Professor & Lab Director University of Calgary, Canada

Dr. Ilias Doxiadis


Consultant at the Institute for Transfusion Medicine Leipzig University Hospital

Dr. Ann Margaret Little


Director of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Laboratory, Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow

Dr. Chang Liu


Associate Professor of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University


Dr. Gehad El-Ghazali, MD, PhD, Professor


Consultant and Service Lead Immunologist, SEHA

Dr. Dunia Jawdat, PhD, D (ABMLI)


Professor of Immunology, Director of Cord Blood Bank, Director of Saudi stem cell donor Registry at MNG – HA


South African National Blood Service/South Africa

Dr. Rabab Alattas


Director HLA lab King Fahad Speci;aist Hospital, Dammam

Dr. Khalid AL- Hassan


Professor, President of the Saudi Socity of Nephrology and Transplantation

Dr. Heather Dunckley


Associat Professor ,Medicine, Central Clinical School Australian Red Cross Blood Service-

Dr. Noureddine Berka, PHD, D(ABHI)


Clinical Professor & Lab Director University of Calgary, Canada

Dr. Zein El-Yafie


Chief Medical officer ,Union 71/ Pure health, Director of Pharmacy and Allied Health Department at Abu Dhabi Health Servies Company

Dr. Sally El-fishawi MD, PHD,


Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology National Cancer Institute, Cairo University

Dr. Rania Bakry


Professor of Clinical Pathology South of Egypt Cancer Institute

Dr. Moheeb Alawami, D(ABMLI), D(ESHI)


Director of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Laboratory, Organ Transplant Center of Excellence – King Faisal Specialist Hospital, KSA

Dr. Ghada Musallam


Professor of Clinical Pathology BMT Unit National Cncer institute of Egypt

Dr. Reem Jan


Dr. Nada Al- Shatti


Director of Immunology and HLA Unit in Kuwait Cancer Control Center

Dr. Fadi Al- Zayer


Consulting Manager. Ascend Healthcare Solutions,

Dr. Hatim Al-abbas


PhD, Immunology, Director of Dubai Cord Blood and Research Center